- Animation
Branded Video Content
As a means to ensure brand recognition across all video content produced by DRC staff around the globe, DRC decided to add moving elements to their visual identity.
The DRC Design Guide
The DRC design guide includes a dotted world map as a fifth element to make the organization more recognisable and to underline DRC's position as an international NGO.
I decided to animate the dotted maps so they slide into view and use them as both a supporting and decorative element across titles, breakers and on a spinning globe revealing the DRC logo.
Revealing the DRC logo with a spinning, dotted globe

Syria depicted as a dotted map
Frieze consisting of small dots

Adding movement to the fifth element of the DRC design

Title and Location Template
Motion graphic templates makes it easy to stay on-brand when adding animated elements and titles to a video project – so while the names and locations may change, the visual identity stays the same.
Animated Infographic
In recent years, animated infographics have become heavily relied upon as a device to make complex information more engaging.
Merging Two Brands
When Danish Demining Group was to be merged with Danish Refugee Council, I was invited to develop a set of visuals to use when telling stakeholders about the process and the new merged entity.